
Do you want to try shooting? No problem. You can choose from a crossbow shooting, archery, Indian blowpipe, air guns, paintball in space or on target. Everything takes place in an open area with the assistance of trained experienced professionals. Shooting activities are very popular outdoor program in competitions for corporate events.

What are we shooting activities?


Quality bows for adults and children (for left and right handed) .Střelba butts in special duralumin arrows. Targets are either classic with scoring, animal or other motive.


Quality crossbow for adults and děti.Kuše are equipped with optical sight with shooting at longer distances with high precision. Shooting in special butts duralumin arrows. Targets are either classic with scoring, or other animal.


Kvalitní vzduchové pistole české výroby. Střelba v leže, v kleče nebo ve stoje na bodované terče, popřípadě plechovky apod.


Very popular collective fighting game on the ground. We kompeltní equipment (guns, overalls, gloves, masks, bomb-air charge).


Discipline for children and adults. Shooting in special butts. Targets are either classic with scoring, animal or other motive. It will surprise you to incredible accuracy of the weapons used by the Indians.

What we organize thematic events?


Military Camp
Shooting, marching with bayonet exercises, teaching the basics of self-defense, paintball - combat teams).

Barbarian emperrors
Several days of nonstop action for the teams that are trying to get úzmeí, flags, Fanta individual opponents, food, drink, weapons and items in various disciplines.

Criminal camp
Camp in the quarry, the prisoners perform tasks dozorcůúkolegů, smashing boulders to gravel with a hammer, work a jackhammer, carrying loads, attempted escape, followed by an exchange of roles - Superintendent / convict.



článek zobrazen: 1665x
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    +420 608 977 763

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    186 00 Praha 8 – Karlín

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  • Elektrický býk
  • Lukostřelba
  • Skákací hrad
  • Shoď ho
  • Paintball
  • Sumo ring
  • Simulátor dojení
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